Mobilizing Ministry
Mobilizing ministry is to support indigenous missionaries in various ways so that they can be send out to evangelize to their own people and to continue do the work of the Lord.
Why Mobilizing ministry?
Light World Mission believes in equipping indigenous missionaries and to send them out to do the work of the Lord to their own people. In order to accomplish this, Light World Mission recognized that supporting indigenous missionaries is one of the important ministries because there are many indigenous missionaries that are willing to go out and continue the work of the Lord but they have little or no money supported from the church or mission field that they minister in. Therefore, Light World Mission believes that mobilizing ministry is important part of the ministry that we do so that we can support them in various ways to continue the work of the Lord.
Here are some of the things we do:
Supporting Indigenous Missionaries
Well Digging
Chapel Construction
Rice Sharing
Bible Distribution